Videos series

This is a series of videos that I am making to discuss some of the things that I have spoken about on this blog. Each video is between 20 to 30 mins long so it's easy to watch. I have made for videos so far but I will probably add more so this post will be updated again at some point.

Here's the links to YouTube:

1) Misogyny in the John Titor Story (

Here is the screenshot to the email I refer to in the video:

So, basically, I am a woman hence I am "scorned" and loooooooove will heal me because women can only be healed with the power of LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE. If the childless middle-age douche bag is not a misogynist I don't know who is. SERIOUSLY. This email is disgusting, just like he is.

2) Costa Rica - the explanation (

Some explanations as to why I keep talking about Costa Rica and my "escape", if you are interested to know the reasons. 

3)All out war with some luck (

Discussing my reasons why I want an all-out-war. Also, please be warned that the video is cut at the end, as the program stopped working because it couldn't handle my discussion about Pussy Biden apparently. I have no time to sit down and edit videos either so I just published it as is because I felt it had some pretty good points and did not want to discard it. Anyway I continue my discussion in the next video,  video number 4. 

4) Xenophobia in the story (

Discussion about xenophobia on the John Titor sub-reddit and in the United States of 'Murica, for a change....right???? 

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