
Showing posts from January, 2023

Another weird dream

I am back here again because of another very weird dream. I had this dream earlier in the week and, to be exact, on the night of Jan 3 rd . The dream came out of nowhere, as always. It seems that January is the best time for these weird “time travel” related dreams. I had another one last here in January (see post called “the emails – as promised” if you want/need “context”). I want to write this dream here because I want to keep a public record of this. No specific reason, just want them to be public in the event of me losing my mind completely. When I woke up after this dream the first thing I did was writing it down on the iphone notes. Here it is, adapted from the notes to make it more readable (I hope):   A man was stuck in this worldline. He was around middle age (maybe 50) and from end of the 1800s. I think it was 1896. They had to take it back so they organised a car to take him back to 1896. The part I remember starts with this car outside. It was parked downstairs where