Another weird dream

I am back here again because of another very weird dream. I had this dream earlier in the week and, to be exact, on the night of Jan 3rd. The dream came out of nowhere, as always. It seems that January is the best time for these weird “time travel” related dreams. I had another one last here in January (see post called “the emails – as promised” if you want/need “context”). I want to write this dream here because I want to keep a public record of this. No specific reason, just want them to be public in the event of me losing my mind completely. When I woke up after this dream the first thing I did was writing it down on the iphone notes.

Here it is, adapted from the notes to make it more readable (I hope):


A man was stuck in this worldline. He was around middle age (maybe 50) and from end of the 1800s. I think it was 1896. They had to take it back so they organised a car to take him back to 1896. The part I remember starts with this car outside. It was parked downstairs where I used to live. It was a big space just outside the garages but looked different than I recall it. The car was long and black, it was a long SUV. There were people inside dressed in black suits. There were several rows of seats. I spoke to them and there was a conversation I don’t remember but basically I was told that I wasn’t allowed to go and I thought here we go again, hiding stuff from me (breaking news). Then suddenly, a lot of people were in the car, just random people both men and women. I think one if the girls was someone I was on a tour with in Egypt in October. They all sat in the car. They look excited and happy. They were joking between themselves. One was a young child like around 10 years old or possibly younger. As said, they told me I wasn’t allowed to go because it was too dangerous for me and I had to be “protected”, it seemed. They did let me go in the car though to give me a ride. I recall being seated in this car while it was being driven through traffic. It had tinted windows. I remember the tinted windows so clearly because I tried to look outside while the car was going and I recall the details of these black windows so well. It felt so real, like I was actually inside this car and looking through these windows. I even remember the feeling of the seat underneath.


After a while I was let out on the road so I decided that I would sneak ahead of them and still go see the car depart at the very least, even though I couldn’t be ride it. Weird thing is, I knew exactly where I was going because I recall sneaking inside this hangar. It was definitely a big hangar, like a big warehouse. I went in before the car arrived. There was no one around initially then a bunch of guys came out of a door. I recall there were white neon lights on. It was all men and they seemed quite young. They came out when another man came in and called them. For some reason they didn’t tell me anything even though technically I was not supposed to be there – or so I thought. Perhaps I wasn’t allowed to ride in the car but was allowed to watch. Who knows? Anyway, these guys came out holding big noise-cancelling headphone. These were not basic headphones; they were the same exact kind of headphones that road workers wear. This kind exactly but a dark colour:


They looked so real I even recall the details. These guys were all holding these headphones and one of them (a tall, young man with brown longish hair) gave me a pair and told me I needed to wear it to watch the car to protect from noise. He didn’t really look at me, he kept looking at that man talking to him and just passed me the headphones while still looking at him. I recall these guys (it was only maybe 4-5 of them, maybe slightly less) came out of this tiny room inside the hangar that had a light on, like a white neon “office light”. They were clearly waiting for that car.

I grabbed the headphones and I recall that the wire cables got tangled and took me a while to untangle them.


Meanwhile, as the guys were coming out, the car finally pulled into the hangar. I only saw the headlights coming through the wall. I recall being scared thinking it was going to suck me in any moment and I kept having he feeling that I was not supposed to be in that hangar. We all walked in front of the car but there was a big distance between us and this car. No one came out and we were ordered to put the headphones on and connect them to something, but I cannot recall what it was. I was still messing with the cables and when I finally got these cables untangled, the car was ready to go. One thing worth mentioning maybe: excluding the people in the car, I was the only woman there. To be precise, I was the only woman in the group that was watching the car leaving. All of the other people were men.


As the car was turned on there was a massive noise, like a loud bang and also a small explosion as I recall something almost hit us and we all docked down. I recall something like dust in the air after this loud bang. I was really scared at that point. After this explosion and noise, the car just drove off. We didn’t see anything else except the car coming out of the hangar, turning and driving off. After a few minutes or maybe hours, I’m not entirely sure, the car came back into the hangar. I do know how much time exactly, but it was definitely quick. All people come out of the car this time. They confirmed the guy that was “stuck” here was now gone. They look weird though, not physically weird but mentally strange. They seemed very quiet now, and they also seemed a bit off and they were definitely not joking around anymore. I recall this sudden change really well. They also seemed confused at times.


Being the usual Sherlock Holmes, I started going around asking people to tell me what they saw and felt. That young child comes out and I asked him first. He said he felt nothing and saw nothing, it all looked still the same outside. The car only kept moving entering a tunnel which he didn’t describe to me like a real tunnel but more like a bridge or something. Hard to describe here so don’t ask me. Then I asked others. Some people refused to even answer and a lot of them kept saying they felt nothing. I said how is this even possible? You went through a black hole and felt nothing?? As it turned out, they were all asleep, or most of them since that child recalled that “passage”. Maybe they were all given something to fall asleep, I cannot recall this particular detail.


The rest of the dream I don’t remember clearly, I just recall that the guy that was stuck here left some things behind and that I just really wanted to know what it felt like to travel through time. I just kept going around in a circle trying to find out. Also, I felt angry and envious that these people got to do it and now they were “keeping it a secret”. The dream ends with me outside the hangar holding what that man had left behind and thinking that I really wanted to know. Then the alarm went off. Pretty shit, uh? What do you think? Welcome to my complicated life.

Scams even in my dreams!!!!!


There it is. Weird fucking dream. Granted this probably means nothing, I find these dreams really bloody weird. The thing that makes me feel uneasy about these dreams are these details, some of which are quite technical (had to put the headphones on and then this weird bang happened or how the car pulled into this darkish hangar with headlights on. Tiny details that make sense) that I cannot explain. Obviously, I have no freaking idea what this was all about. Does the unit make a loud bang when it is activated? How the fuck would I know??? I am keen on saying you would not start the unit inside a hangar, in a closed environment, but what do I know. This, to me, was the only thing that didn’t make much sense in the dream. Maybe there is a bang because of the gravity field when the unit is turned on, perhaps the dust is because of the ground coming off (they do mention this in the original posts) but I don’t really fucking know. I’m not a physicist. Besides, the car didn’t really “depart” for another world line whilst in front of us. Technically, it just drove off, out of the hangar, and departed from somewhere else. Again, I have no idea.


See, back in 2011 or even a year back, I would have made a big fucking deal about this. I would have obsessed over and over and over, asking questions such as “why??? WHY do I have these dreams if I am still here?? Why am I still here? What does this mean?” And so on.  But not today, NOPE. Today I introduce you to the “new me in 23”: the one who doesn’t ask questions. I may have taken it badly in the dream, but in real life I do not give a flying fuck. There it is. I will not ask those questions. I have learned my lessons, my darlings. I have run out of tears for this story, trust me. Whatever this dream was all about, I do not care. Let these dreams run wild if they have to, let them do what they want, I will just ride along, like a fucking liberal. The liberals, the ones who say “whatever dude” and just ride along in life without asking questions or worrying about every single detail. I still thing they are scams, but this is more like a comment rather than being a question.


Do you really wanna know what I think? You probably don’t but, since this is my blog, I will say it anyway: to me, that was the dream of an experiment. This seemed some sort of experiment which would explain why the people were all excited at first (hell, would you not be if you were invited to experiment “time travel”? Again, another freaky detail of the dream) and why I was told it was too dangerous for me. Perhaps, this is really the way they run these experiments, perhaps there are experiments going on as we speak. By the US government, I don’t know. Sorry I really do not. I’d imagine they would use random volunteers first rather than actual “drivers” or people they value. No, they don’t value me, rest assure of that. It’s just the dream. Or perhaps the “me” in another worldline is/was involved in these experiments. This is fucked up shit. BUT…BUT I am getting ahead of myself. I don’t like it. Remember this is the “new me in 23”: ZERO questions.

But hey, regardless of what this dream really meant (or did not mean), this was my first time actually dreaming of being in the car – because at the beginning of the dream I was technically in the car. It started with the training dream last here, now the experiment dream…fingers crossed next time will be the “actual ride” (in the dream). Also, these dreams seem to have some weird common denominators: they are all about “time travel” with my involvement and they all take place in significant locations that belong to my past in Italy. Not the hangar but the beginning of my dream, where the SUV was originally parked with the people inside and before I got on.


Here is the location in Google Maps:



This is where the dream started. The SUV was where I drew a circle, just more on the inside, in the part you can’t see. Unfortunately, that’s as far as the maps go. In the dream, though, that white building behind the trucks wasn’t there. This is where I used to live, more or less.


Well, looks like all their secret beans are spilling out in the form of dreams. People may not speak but things always come out in a way or another. Secrets cannot stay hidden for too long. Of course, this may mean absolutely jack all and, besides, what could I prove? They can always say, this is an insane person just having weird dreams. Nothing to see here. And they probably do. It seems that their secrets are still safe after all.


I am just a person with a good story with the potential of turning me into a millionaire and plaster my face all over the Daily Mail but I can’t make jack shit with this. I can do absolutely nothing. If this is not how the rest of my life is going to pan out then I want this rest of my life to start as soon as possible.



-        Stella

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