
Showing posts from July, 2023

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I AM BACK!!!! I know it has been a long 6 months since I last posted here and being here, being able to finally write something, feels like a huge achievement. As I am writing this I’m actually in Italy (oh nooo!) sipping wine on the street. Temporarily, of course, while the next adventure awaits me. So many things have happened, especially during the last couple of months. Initially I just didn’t know what to write but then something really bad happened that led me to leave the UK in the span of 3 weeks or so. I am so glad I did it because that place sucked the life out of me for almost 10 years and lately it had just turned me into a ghost. I wasn’t functioning, I was waking up every night in the middle of the night with the sort of anxiety that just rips you apart. It was horrible. As much as I miss certain things in the UK, I will not be coming back. Not for a VERY long time at least. It is no longer the country that greeted me 10 years ago; this is just a place full of austerity a