More comments on John Titor's posts

I AM BACK!!!! I know it has been a long 6 months since I last posted here and being here, being able to finally write something, feels like a huge achievement. As I am writing this I’m actually in Italy (oh nooo!) sipping wine on the street. Temporarily, of course, while the next adventure awaits me. So many things have happened, especially during the last couple of months. Initially I just didn’t know what to write but then something really bad happened that led me to leave the UK in the span of 3 weeks or so. I am so glad I did it because that place sucked the life out of me for almost 10 years and lately it had just turned me into a ghost. I wasn’t functioning, I was waking up every night in the middle of the night with the sort of anxiety that just rips you apart. It was horrible. As much as I miss certain things in the UK, I will not be coming back. Not for a VERY long time at least. It is no longer the country that greeted me 10 years ago; this is just a place full of austerity and just messed up from the beautiful invention of the virus from China. Wait…are we allowed to say this? Oh, fuck it. Like I give a shit now.

In any case I couldn’t write, I could barely even function and being able to write this just feels amazing. I have just been through HELL and then back out again. There are so many things I want to write that I might not be able to put them all into a post, but I will try. 

Let’s start with my adventure in India, which might be related to this story. I was in India at the end of March and something happened when coming out of the country, AGAIN. This time, it was pretty fucking clear. I had just gone through passport control and was heading to security. Before approaching security, in the line, there was a policeman checking passports and boarding cards. He was basically check all boarding cards against passport to see if the names matched. This part is important because when my turn came, I opened my passport and showed the boarding card. He saw my name on the boarding card and screamed “Ah!” I was like “what?” (yes, it was an instinctive reaction). He said “nothing, just go” and let me go. Didn’t even look at the picture or the actual passport page, nothing. Just let me go. That’s when I started to panic a little bit thinking about that episode in Russia in 2019. I literally threw all of my bags on the floor and started pulling crap out. I wanted to make sure I didn’t have anything compromising in my backpack or camera bag. You know, like maybe someone placed something there without me noticing. Yes, we got to this stage now. No kidding. My bags were clear so I moved on. When I was in line to the metal detector, the guy that was checking passport came over and spoke to the policeman that was at the metal detector. Then they both turned around and looked at me. I was like what the fuck is happening here….? This is not it. Nope. My bags, including my camera bag, went ahead of me because I got delayed by a couple of old fucks who, at the mere age of 85, decided to embark on trips around the world and catching flights instead of sticking to cruise ships. Thankfully I kept an eye on my stuff because there was a guy there claiming that the camera was his. This is a 2.5k camera, FYI. I literally just stormed through the metal detector screaming “that’s my camera!” and the cop was like “he’s claiming it’s his (he knew it was mine cuz he saw me with it earlier) and I was like “NO! that’s my camera! My camera!!!” he was like ok ok and he moved it and told me it would be safe there whilst those old fucks finally moved on and I was able to make it through. They wanted to check the camera bag only (again!). Curiously, they only checked the side pockets and then let me go. To say I was shaken and piss off is an understatement. It was bad. I really do not get what they are hoping to find in my camera. The time machine??? The singularity??? Now, had I not been more proactive, they would have taken it. Then they would have cracked it open and seen that there was no singularity. I am pretty sure it was all part of some governmental plan (yeah yeah, Stella is crazy and there comes SAMANTHA, saying there is another explanation, the whore who writes porn stories and thinks she is an expert on JT. Maybe an expert on his penis, ok, but definitely NOT an expert on the story. Back off lady). It’s just a fucking camera, nothing more. Camera with pics of the Taj Mahal in that case. Anyway, the trip was amazing and I met lots of very nice Aussies but the ending was very much left to desire. 


So yes, I don’t know what you think but this time things were pretty fucking clear. Think whatever you want, it is just crazy to go through this kind of stuff on your own. I can say I’m probably used to it by now, but still. A collateral effect I suppose. You know, maybe in a twisted way, this is also cool. It means that other governments probably know who I am and maybe – just maybe – there is still some hope that I am indeed a part of this whole time travel stuff. Stuff like this, as dangerous and crazy as it may sound, gives me hope. Because, let’s face it, that is what I REALLY want to do. Hell, there are moments when I hope to REALLY get arrested or something. See what happens then. 


Anyhow, there was something else that I was actually thinking about the other night and that made me freak out a little bit. There was a weird episode in Texas in 2004 that it might be related to the story. MIGHT, of course. Again, no proof here but it was very strange and I still remember it to this day. I was married back then, to my ex murican husband, and we were living in Fort Hood, TX. Yes, the military base, he was in the Army. This happened at the Italian restaurant in Killeen, near the base. The restaurant was called Giovanni’s (or at least this is what I remember). We went there once with my ex husband and I be friended these women from Italy. They were all form the north of Italy, where there is an Army base, and they moved to Killeen because of their ex-husbands. I started hanging out with them and one day I was asked to cover at the restaurant for the actual waitress who was sick.  That was actually the first, and last time it turned out, I ever used my work permit. Anyway, it was the weekend, I believe it was the very first weekend of August 2004, and the waitress was sick and they asked me. I was like no fucking way but then they eventually convinced me to accept, and I was like okay just until she is back, hopefully Monday (she came back on Tuesday). It wasn’t pretty, no, I am not a people person at all and I surely function better on my own. I am just an extremely productive individual. Who uses her time wisely. One afternoon at lunch time this man showed up. He just appeared at the door and I happened to be free so I was the one greeting him. He was sort of tall, skinny, around late 30’s, with brown hair and brown eyes. Keep in mind I knew nothing about time travel or the story at this point and I was still very much married. He didn’t say anything. We only had very basic interactions, such as you know the order, etc. I recall he was wearing sunglasses and he had an Army t-shirt, you know the grey ones their use for PT. Maybe to blend in better. He then left me a big tip, I recall that, and left. There are times when I think that perhaps this was John Titor who came to that restaurant. But why did he come? To see me? Why would he even do that? I don’t remember him in details, I mean his exact features, apart from what I described above, but I always found it interesting that I still recall this man. I do recall some people from those days, but only people I actually interacted with (like having a nice conversation. I recall a nice couple for example). I had almost zero interactions with this man, beyond the regular stuff you do as a waitress, so why do I still remember him? What I recall is that he was…different. He seemed different, I can’t point out what it was, but he gave me the impression of someone who wanted to keep to himself. I don’t know exactly how to describe it, other that he seemed different. Hell, maybe we can recognise each other, you know, time travellers (BOOOOOO). See I find this odd. There is clearly something here. Sometimes I think about this and I freak out “oh my god, what if it really was him?” Can you imagine? It’s just so creepy. Okay, maybe not creepy but it just makes me feel uncomfortable. It’s not because there is something weird about what he did, just because that’s not how I wanted to meet him. I wanted him to sit down in front of me, look at me in the eyes and tell me how much he cares. Obviously wishful thinking. I doubt he gives any fucks at all. None of them do. 

You might be thinking that none of this is normal. It is normal in my life, yes. This is how my life is. I can see everything clearly with my own eyes but I am not allowed to touch it. I just can’t have it. This is the way it must be, apparently. Anyway, going back to my dream (CONTEXT ALERT!, I think I was able to figure out that van that took me to that hangar for the “time travel” experiment. It’s this one:


This is actually a screenshot from when they arrested that dude from the Pentagon (on a side note: clearly president Bidet ehhhhmmmm…Biden, doesn’t have a grip on 20 year olds in his own government. Wow. Can’t even handle that. This would never happen under my watch). In any case, it seemed that it was an armoured vehicle. That would explain why I saw people dressed in suits as well. It was definitely a government vehicle of some sort that took me to the hangar. You know, I was thinking the other night, the funny thing is, I have dreamed of the “car” leaving twice. Both times this car was behind a glass and this glass always looked the same: it was a big glass with a white frame of some sort.  It was like an observation point or something. The first time I actually saw it leaving. I remember it started shaking and then flickering and it was just, yeah, shaking mostly. It was stationary in one point, not actually moving, just shaking. It was so fucking odd. I believe that dream was like 10-11 years ago. A long time ago. I recalled it just recently. All bollocks, let me tell you. It’s just all a product of my mind I guess. Nothing serious. I wouldn’t lose sleep over my dreams, let’s put it that way.

I mainly found the inspiration to write this after going through the JT’s posts again recently. Some time back I found this website ( which is rather brilliant. This guy did a very good job collecting the posts and to be honest I find it a lot better than the website made but that pretentious “Oliver Williams”. Besides, Oliver Williams’ website hasn’t been updated since the sinking of the Titanic. 

I will add some comments on some the posts I found interesting that I probably never commented on before.

Let’s start.


It is a form of cell phone the one JR described to me, as he called it, the “pad” (there is a post about this in my blog.You will need to find it yourself I’m afraid). Interestingly enough, when the other time traveller, the rooster from Wisconsin John Williams, finally confessed to having a “script” on my name, I asked him where the script was and he wouldn’t tell me. I then asked “it’s the pad isn’t it?” and he stayed quiet for a while then he said again he couldn’t tell me. The Universe only knows why this guys still has this technology if he is no longer “one of them”. Still don’t get it, but ok. Another item to add to the never-ending list I guess.


Oh, no, boor little boy, he is unable to describe women’s clothing because he is used to seeing women naked. Let’s give him a break.


Okay, this is actually a contradiction. I couldn’t find the actual post but I do recall him saying that he wouldn’t be able to use his money here. I do recall that but here he says the money from here can be used “over there”. Seems a bit twisted to me. For the love of me, I cannot find that post but if you ARE familiar with the posts I am sure you know what I’m talking about. If not, then try to find it yourself. What can I say?


Of course, you won’t. When has any of you done anything for others? Hey, I am very self-centred myself, granted, but still. Even I OCCASIONALLY do something for others. Oh, well. Don’t you hold your breath. Thankfully, in my case, I have the Universe to guide me so I am pretty safe. I don’t need him. Speaking of this, her was this guy in the post from 2001 called Javier Cortez or something like that. He REALY wanted to depart with the “time machine”. I don’t know if they realised at some point, but he was attacking them in the hope to get confirmation or an invite. He was clearly using reverse psychology to get the attention. He was trying to say he didn’t believe any of that hoping he would get some sort of confirmation. I mean, come on, that was clear as daytime. 



I disagree. I am a firm believer that you CANNOT change your future. It is a mechanism created by the Universe to ensure stability. This is why we DON’T know our future. Imagine if each one of us knew what was going to happen in the future. Each person would either try to change it or try to manipulate it to get some sort of advantage. That would throw the entire Universe into chaos. The Universe doesn’t allow chaos. The Universe is a great power, a collection of strict laws and principles created to guarantee stability. This is one of the first principle upon which our interaction with the Universe is based. We cannot have chaos, simple as. I believe that each one of us has their own faith written in stone and when we think we have changed something, in reality we are just doing what we are meant to do. We haven’t changed jack. Each one of us has a set path chosen by the Universe. It is in the great power of the Universe that I base by faith upon. I am basically a pantheist. We believe that the Universe is god and god is everywhere, anytime. It’s all around us, in everything. This is why it is called Pantheism. We don’t believe in an omnipotent figure and we don’t believe in the afterlife. I thought I was an atheist because of this reason, but as it turned out, I am a pantheist which isn’t that different from an atheist. Unlike atheists, we just believe in the power of the Universe.

Going back to this post: even he refused to say certain things for fear that people would attempt to change them. Then why did he fear this if he believed that we have free will to change whatever we like about our future? Seems like a contradiction (ANOTHER ONE) to me. He said specifically that he wouldn’t say anything that would allow someone to avoid death by probability. He just contradicted himself here big fucking time. Besides, wouldn’t this then be like the Pearl Habor example he gave in another post? If you change something you might make things worse. HENCE, it goes back exactly to my initial point: the Universe does NOT allow chaos for this exact reason. Ta-da! Jesus, these time travellers ain’t that smart uh? 


Yeah no shit. I have noticed it. My arse is still on this chair.



I have heard this before. I think in the news quite recently, too. Nothing specific about this post. Just put it here because it feels contemporaneous for some odd reason.

Too late mate. Perhaps you should speak to people instead of avoiding them. It seems that you have always done that. In fact, I have recently been blocked (again!) by Nolan Bennett. Old news. I commented on him loving weed (muricans and their drugs…it’s like candy candy bon bons). He clearly got pissed off because he cares about my opinion otherwise, he wouldn’t have reacted like that. Then he sent me this right before he blocked me (pussy. Sent dumb stuff then blocks people. Come face me):


No fucking idea what this means. I am not good with riddles, let alone the dumb ones. But since he loves them so much, here’s another one:


Nary who sings but cannot sing should stick to writing songs to let others sing


I have no idea what this “nary” even means and you can probably tell LOL. Oh, yes. He sucks at singing. I cannot comment on his writing skills too much, but I can definitely say he ain’t got a good voice. Christ almighty, his voice is rough on the ears. It just doesn’t sound good or smooth at all. Back in the days singers were true singers: like people with a beautiful voice. It seems that nowadays anyone can get on a stage and sing, as long as your parents are famous…there will be people listening to you. Not cuz your good, no. Cuz your parents are good. That’s it. His mother truly has an angelic voice. That’s the voice that makes you dream. I love listening to her voice over and over and over. Then he comes on…FUUUUUUUCK ME. Seriously, somebody please stop him. I suppose he can write nice songs, like I said I cannot comment on his writing skills too much, and he seems good anyway, but he should STOP singing. He is always completely out of tune. 

Amen to this


He tried to bullshit his way out LOL. Yeah yeah. Just admit you got it wrong. 

Pamela found one contradiction by luck. ONE. There are 7,000 different contradictions she managed to find at least ONE. Clap! Clap! Clap! I bet she will now steal my posts to show others that she is the one who found all other contradictions. She ain’t good at many things, but theft…that’s her specialty. 

Then you might ask…why do YOU believe in the story then, despite of these contradictions? Simply because I know the reason why there are so many contradicting things. 


Didn’t he say many time that his “time machine” has limitations and cannot even reach an era that far away? Am I missing something?

Yeah, I would send some of you there, perhaps to be beaten in the arse by dinosaurs. Admittedly, that would make me feel really good. No, it isn’t “too much” for someone like John Rodriguez. And let me add: what I said in one of my previous posts last year is only the tip of the iceberg. Being hit was just a small section of the abuse that he put me through in Mexico. So, yeah, NO, this isn’t “a bit too much”. 


Again, this doesn’t make sense. If you are a Christian (like he claimed he was) you don’t use words such as Mother Nature. That doesn’t sound very Christian to me. So, yeah, going back to this: the reason why you see so many contradicting things is because there is more than one of them posting. Or the story is fake. Or BOTH. Well, the story IS fake. Here we must distinguish between the story and the people. The story is fake, the people are not. They are time travellers who came here with a fake story based on the book Alas Babylon. 



Here is what I said about this JC guy. He wanted to time travel, that’s it. It is true though; JT never made an offer to bring people to the future. He only said he could “probably mange 3 people” in his “machine” but never really said he would be taking anyone with him. Clearly, cuz my arse is still on this chair as I said before.

What is the size of your penis?

Jokes aside…yes, it does. But clearly you people don’t know ethics or don’t know how and when to use it. You know about JR and what he did and you let him get away with it. I am not talking about what he did to me. I am talking about what he did in general. All the shit he did here. The police won’t even chase him because he is clearly being protected by the government. I am very sure he made an agreement with the “time travellers”. Stella gets to walk away from Mexico if you promise to let me be. Am I right? Uh? I think I am! I was used as ransom for his own negotiating purposes. So, please, do NOT fucking teach us ethics or speak big words you don’t even believe in. have the decency to admit that you are just all bullshitters. BIG ass bullshitters who were here to make fun of people.

You can tell some of the responses were sarcastic and take the piss out of the people on that forum. Which is fine with me as I am like that also, and surely hate those keyboard warriors, but please do not teach moral values because you have no fucking decency to teach US anything.  

So they can go back to the stone age to dump their own criminals (they got quite a few) but can’t go back to see the Pyramids? OK. 



Funny because I can actually answer this question. I have met two of them, I’m pretty sure I’m solid. 


Hmmm talking about kissing arses here. Look at this. You know what they say? Some people kiss arses in the hope of sucking dicks one day. This one clearly went wrong but still. The initial hope was definitely there.  

So let me get this straight: this Pamela was clearly in love with John Titor (even a deaf and blind person would be able to see this) but John Titor was clearly in love with another woman. Yes, I am saying “another woman”, to be clear. Hmm…il triangolo no, non l’avevo considerato. Ouch. That must stink. Hey, at the end of the day, Pamela was used too. They were using her during this time. She was collecting emails, posting pics, she even acted as his spokesperson. they literally used her. Then they sent her a book. I got absolutely nothing except a few bruises and, had not I protested, some naked pics JR almost forced me to take. And other things I am not ready to talk about yet. I can definitely say Pamela had it easy. 


So the static discharge is from contact with the air? Why is there a static discharge? The air ripples…in my dream the making shakes, a LOT, and start flickering but there is definitely some motion from the machine. The machine doesn’t move position, but it does shake. He said in an earlier post that, from the watchers’ point of view, he would only be gone a few secs. Here it says that you don’t see the machine disappear AT ALL. If he was gone, even for a split of a second, then clearly the machine would also have disappeared for a split second. Right? 

He then said that the machine, as it departs, it ejects a big chunk of ground and that is unavoidable. If the machine doesn’t disappear at all, or just remains there, then how can these chunks of ground be ejected? Something doesn’t make sense here. I don’t know what it is but doesn’t make sense. It is literally impossible that the machine travels within worldlines without physically disappearing at all, even for a split second. You are leaving a physical worldline to enter another. It’s impossible that the machine stays here in this worldline whilst entering another one. I am sorry it just doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t know, it just doesn’t. I am not a physicist so I don’t know. 


You clearly think very highly of yourself, sweetheart. Way too highly. I would knock off about 70-90 points then we’re there. Remember: smart people do NOT steal other people’s findings. Or, even worse, steal entire investigations to trick others into thinking it was their work because they are unable to pull that off themselves. It is because of her that I was forced to send that file to Larry Haber (I wasn’t going to, at least not for a very long time) and that ultimately led to him to being dismissed. All she causes is grief and trouble. She added JR’s wife as friends on Facebook when I first found her causing me distress because I did NOT want to speak to him at that time. Otherwise, I would have contacted him myself. Yeah, just grief that’s all she causes. Grief and trouble. They have left so they don’t have to deal with this. I had to and for the entire time we were speaking, she tried to stab me behind my back several times. What the bloody fuck did I do to her? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. She was just pissed because of my involvement, that’s all. Oh, well lady, BITE ME. And stay the fuck away from my findings and investigations. 



Jesus, she really did kiss his arse, didn’t she? Oh my oh my. If this is the way she flirts with men…

You know what? I’m gonna give it a shot as well and make my own description in third person. Why not? I missed this chance in 2001, I’m gonna do it now. Here it is: 

Stella isn’t able to work well under pressure because she is a snappy bitch who does things on her own because she knows that she can do them better and faster. She is self-centred and just really so brilliant it is impossible to deal with her on a daily basis.

Stella cannot sing and, unlike others, she is well aware of that so she doesn’t sing on stages. Although she is decent looking, she hasn’t had sex since February 2020. Well before the pandemic. She just loves her own company and loves taking herself out to dinner or for a glass of alcohol without the need to have a chaperone. Stella is also a keen solo traveller because she is extremely self-sufficient and doesn’t know the meaning of “loneliness” anymore. Alone is good. 

Her favourite food is ice cream and she also loves wine, watermelon and whipped cream. She likes Nature and being in Nature and she loves watching the sea at sunset. All on her own, of course.

 What do you think? I say pretty that’s decent stuff. At least I am kissing my own arse. It’s cleaner. 



Can someone please translate this into English?


Mummy! Mummy! Luke stole my candies!!! BUUUUUUAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH

This is what it sounds like. Was she really 36 here??? What the actual FUCK?!?!?! 


This post doesn’t have anything special but I wanted to put it here because it is really odd that he picked the F-16. You know these exact jets were all over the news a couple of months ago. Again, just like before, I put it here because it just feels so contemporaneous. I don’t think this is a coincidence at all. These are clues. See, everyone focus on the big “clues” he gave like the civil war in 2005, the war in 2015 etc etc. In reality those are NOT the things people should be focusing on. Instead, we should be focusing our attention on small things like this. It is the small stuff they put here and there that are the real “clues”. Things that people barely notice. Think about it: why would anyone put important clues like that right under your nose? They would put it into small doses hidden here and there, barely noticeable. That is the way to do it. Otherwise, anyone would be able to see them and then there would be chaos. If you read these posts over and over, I bet there are even more small clues that can be identified. It’s just that everyone is fixated on these big events he mentioned. Focus on the small things, this is my advice. 

And last one:

I think it’s funny how he picked Atlanta of all places. Nolan Bennett does live there and he is from around there. Probably no connection here but still. I just felt like putting it in here. Again, likely a small clue. 


I’ll end it here for now. Not sure what and when I will write again but I just wanted to post this for the moment. It’s just been such a long time since my last post. Also, because some of these posts, and the whole story actually, seem even more relevant now. 

I know that there are people, well “them”, reading these posts and I know that one of them is tempted to get in contact. I can see it. He’s probably going back and forth in his head with this, wondering whether he should do it. I say, go for it. Click that button. I know you want to.


-    - Stella (stellita884)

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