
Showing posts from January, 2024

My opinion on Ronald Mallett

  It’s been quite a while since I last posted on this blog. It has also been quite difficult to pin-point my location lately as I have been all over the bloody place. I was in the Middle East quite a lot. I was in Italy in November, then back for a week, then went to Jordan, came back, stayed in Madrid for 2 weeks, then ahead to Bahrain and Saudi Arabia for the long back holiday. After that, I was back in Madrid for 2 days and then out again, to Italy. I have been back for just 3 weeks. Everything went well, no problem whatsoever, unlike that CNN tells you. I was actually pretty much by the front lines in the northern part of Jordan, near the border with Israel and really close to Lebanon and the Golan Heights and I was absolutely fine. Once you look past the ´murican media bullshit, everything looks ok. It´s not like I am not gonna travel anymore because of Biden´s geopolitical handlings or, better, LACK OF . The man has made the world a MUCH MORE DANGEROUS and FUCKED UP place. It sta