My opinion on Ronald Mallett

 It’s been quite a while since I last posted on this blog. It has also been quite difficult to pin-point my location lately as I have been all over the bloody place. I was in the Middle East quite a lot. I was in Italy in November, then back for a week, then went to Jordan, came back, stayed in Madrid for 2 weeks, then ahead to Bahrain and Saudi Arabia for the long back holiday. After that, I was back in Madrid for 2 days and then out again, to Italy. I have been back for just 3 weeks. Everything went well, no problem whatsoever, unlike that CNN tells you. I was actually pretty much by the front lines in the northern part of Jordan, near the border with Israel and really close to Lebanon and the Golan Heights and I was absolutely fine. Once you look past the ´murican media bullshit, everything looks ok. It´s not like I am not gonna travel anymore because of Biden´s geopolitical handlings or, better, LACK OF. The man has made the world a MUCH MORE DANGEROUS and FUCKED UP place. It started slowly in 2021, when the governments started to forbid airlines from flying above Belarus. That happened because of some dude and his top-model Botox-inflated girlfriend who were kidnapped on a Ryanair flight. Just don´t fly Ryanair, simple. I mean, who FLIES Ryanair??????? Just the poor asses and the perpetually drunk Brits on their way to Marbella to sip their wine (rigorously from Manchester aka Foggy Albion). As a result of this, my flight from Riga to Kiev was almost an hour longer. Then Ukraine. Now not only are you forbidden to go to Ukraine (goodbye Chernobyl tours), you can´t even go to Russia and Belarus now. Two places where there is NO war. Thanks to Mr President Bidet (Biden The Pussy Rat) now I have a hole on my European travel map. Mahalo. And, finally, the Middle East. Don´t even get me started on the Middle East. The poor people that work in the travel industry in Jordan had just STARTED to see the light at the end of the tunnel after the Chinese Pandemic, only to go back to ZERO again because of Pussy Biden and his poor handling of everything, really. Even though there is absolutely NOTHING going on in Jordan. Yet, they are paying the price. I am sorry but I have put my foot down and said GO BRANDON. I am still going to travel to faraway lands and enjoy my time there, regardless of his lack of geopolitical handling. Hell, he probably doesn´t even remember what or where the Middle East is. Memantine, anybody?

I am sorry but I am not going to hold back my opinions of the current “situation” at the White House which is affecting all of us. I mean, ALL OF US. No one is spared. Everyone knows that the man is senile, and this is a VERY dangerous situation for the entire world to be in. If the senile man stays in power (fuck me, another year), we are all in danger. Mark my words.

Anyhow, let me go back to the original point of my post which is “Professor” Ronald Mallett. I am very well aware that people might be surprised at this post, but I just wanted to give you my opinion about the man. Yeah, the man doesn´t come off well to me. That’s my opinion. I don´t think he has “invented” or “discovered” anything whatsoever. Au contraire, he is making up bollocks because he is a DIVA and likes to be on TV and on the radio (preferably on TV, where he can be seen in all his splendour). I am sorry but this is true. The man is NOT – by any means – a scientist. A scientist knows that any discovery belongs to humanity. Anything we discover (or invent) is made for humans by humans. “Time travel” ain´t any different.  I am of the opinion that he has invented jack shit, BUT, assuming he has, he only cares about going on TV ad talk about his “sad story”. You know how many people lose their parents? Does he think he is the only one? Does that allow him to be a total dick who only likes to be on the radio to show off and get money? No, it does NOT. As a matter of fact, he back stabbed his engineer and then went on to be on the board of some patent-related site that was asking people for contributions and that was a fraud. The guy who made that company (in Florida of all places. How odd) has been convicted of fraud. Shall I say more?

I wrote to him and he never responded and I know of people who also wrote to him and asked to see this “equation” he apparently “solved” and he never responded. There is not – that I can see – a single publication on “time travel” made by him. NADA. Yet he is asking for thousands of dollars to apparently “switch” this phantomatic machine on. If you believe him, you are idiots and I came to that conclusion recently because I used to believe him too. I was an idiot too. Not that Elon Musk will even read my blog but if he does, here´s a kind advice for him: please DO NOT give this DIVA any money whatsoever. He cannot be trusted. Mind as well use flush it down the toilet.

Obviously, I cannot comment on the physics behind his alleged work, but he way he behaves has all the clear signs of a fake TV diva. You know, like those virologists you saw on TV during the Chinese Pandemic. DIVAs who probably have not touched a single patient in 175 years. They let their Minions doctors and the nurses touch their patients while they go on TV to show off. He is the same. Where this allegedly solved equation is, I have no idea but apparently it is not even correct, and it has been disproved by real scientists. It just doesn´t work, basically.

This Prof Ronal Mallett doesn´t give a flying fuck about Science and Humanity and using Science to improve our life and our knowledge of our amazing and kind Universe. He is another greedy little man who likes dinero. This is why I am calling him off. I am not keeping my mouth shut over something I care about when I see potential frauds on the horizon. For fucks sake, the last thing I would have ever imagined is seeing a fraud about “time travel”. This is something that has never really come up before, has it? I mean, I can understand all other frauds like healthcare and insurance frauds (the one John Williams is doing. This is a story for another time), people seeing Cyrano de Bergerac on intercontinental flights (this is the fraud Kevin Moore is operating. But we know how the due feels about working so, not surprise here). Channelling. I am sure you know this. Like I said before: “oh my god, I have never seen Cyrano de Bergerac and I have taken A LOT of flights”. Maybe because I am not another drugged-up loofy little woman from North Dakota. Who knows. In any case, you would never expect frauds being about “time travel” of all things. Yet, here we are. Oh, boy. Where has humanity gone?


The man is lying, and he uses his story about the loss of his father to prey on people´s feelings. If am wrong, then prove it. I know he chooses who to speak to very carefully because he knows this. He only speaks to dumb people online, radio hosts and bimbos on TV (who have degrees in Shakespeare and Philosophy) and he refuses to face intelligent people because he knows he will get caught. Am I right? I think I am! Bingo. Yes, I feel rather insulted because I think of myself as a reputable person who has travelled the world and, unlike him, I don´t play the diva on TV. I don´t lie to people and I fight every day for this “time travel” stuff to come to light because humanity deserves to know. Unlike him I don´t go on TV crying about my parents like a little whiner trying to earn sympathies from people and get them to open their pockets. No. I actually do believe in “time travel” and in the Science behind it.  I actually do love everything about this story (except Redditt, but we know this already) and I do all of this because it is my true passion. Not because I want to “go on TV” pretending to have discovered warm water. He thinks he is better than everybody because of his Doctorate in Physics earned at an American University (with multiple choice questions, I bet) but he doesn´t realise he is just a sad little man who claims to do Science but knows nothing about it. If you are ethically incorrect then you are not a Scientist. You are just a guy with an expensive little piece of paper hanging on the wall and a BIG diva complex.


So, yeah, this is my opinion of the “professor”. He gives me very bad vibes. This kind of shit only happens in America (and now Britain) because people there are extremely easy to manipulate. Am I wrong? Read about Elizabeth Holmes then come talk to me.


[paragraphs are my friends (like a douche bag wrote on Reddit. Here they are DOUCHE)]


I know I have been very politically incorrect so far.  I am politically incorrect because I really don´t care whether people like me or not. I am not here to be liked or to make friends (I am not Ronald Mallett. I have pride). I am here to speak about the thing I love the most and to give this story (about John Titor) something knew. I want those with some brain (they are out there, I have seen them) to think outside of the box, expand the whole John Titor argument to new horizons. Why is this bad? Why do we have to talk about the same shit (predictions, civil war, yada yada yada) over and over and not use those posts to start new discussions? WHY? What am I doing that is so bad?

I actually want to take this chance to discuss about why the US government are hiding “time travel”. You know, I brainstorm about this stuff every now and then during my walks at the Retiro Park (10 minute walk from my house). Think for a moment about space travel and NASA. I have watched a lot of documentaries about the Space Shuttle, the mission to the Moon, etc. There is one thing that all those documentaries were trying to show, one common denominator if you will: NASA seeking public consent. Space travel, like time travel, has ethical implications. Since the beginning NASA have been trying to gain public consent by involving people into their mission, what they do, etc. They often release pretty pictures of far away galaxies, show us Mars through the Rover and they even have (I have discovered recently) this thing where kids can write to astronauts and get a response. The whole point of sending a teacher up above (the Challenger mission, which we all know how it ended) in 1986 was to involve the public. For years they have done this because, to run their missions with something so ethically challenging, they need people on their side. Overall, people approve of space travel. They think it´s cool.


What does this have to do with “time travel”? Everything. For the US government to admit they already have the ability to jump between parallel universes (and therefore confirming the existence of these universes), they need public consent. This is even more important since we are talking about the manipulation and containment of black holes. This is something the world may never be able to accept. Think about what happened with the Hadron Collider in Switzerland: people were freaking out when they were turning it on because they believed the whole world was going to get sucked in. Right. Now imagine if they knew of the existence of secret government facilities where black holes are manipulated to achieve temporal displacement, there would be an enormous public outcry. A black hole is even more dangerous than the atomic bomb. Why do you think they came up with the John Titor story? I explained this before, but this right here is also another potential reason. To see how people react to this. It is not something everybody can take. In order for “time travel” to coexist with humanity, it has to be accepted. This is the difficult task. Then obviously, we live (thanks to Biden) in very dangerous times right now. A black hole, or even just the technology that allows for “time travel”, could be used as a weapon of war. Does this mean “time travel” will never come to light? Hopefully not. But we need solid and ethical people to convince humanity to accept something like this. People who are not like Ronald Mallett, for example.

This is why I think, as I said above, that space travel and “time travel” are very much alike. This and many other reasons.


That´s what I like doing: brainstorm about this kind of stuff. Since I am not an engineer, I cannot project a possible “time machine” (although it already exists) but I can think about what the world would be like with “time travel” and the potential ethical implication of such technology.

You may not like me and my posts but at least this is something different. I don´t get why Reddit and people and “podcasters” (whatever) are so against it.


I shall be going now. Don´t forget to pay your 250k to turn this thing on:

-    Stella C (stellita884)

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