
*Please Read* : rules for getting in contact

*Please Read* : rules for getting in contact/UPDATED

Please watch this video about some rules for getting in contact with me through this blog: As stated in the video, these below are the “rules” for getting in contact with me following episodes of “conspiracy drama” I have been subjected to:     You are John Titor     You are “one of them”   You are a member of the B-52s   *Unless you fit into one of these categories, please avoid using the contact form thank you *: My apologies to those who mean well, but I have to filter some of the junk out because some of these individuals involved in the story are way too crazy and harassing for my own taste. UPDATE AUGUST 2020: Apparently this is still a hard concept for Americans to grasp. I still had a couple of attempts from people (perhaps that same crazy bastard who won’t quit until someone shoots him – and someone will one day, trust me on this one. He has messed with many people and he threatened people and harassed people) to contact me.


I want to break the silence to post this. At first I wasn´t really ready to talk about it, but I think it´s time now. I cannot keep silent anymore about what happened because this is the closest we will ever get to finding out what the US government is doing “behind the curtains” (and how this is affecting other people out there). I want to start this by saying that I have nothing against anyone (except John Rodriguez and, partly, the US government) and the only person who should be arrested here is John Rodriguez. The whole point of posting this is to shed a light on what I go through on a daily basis in my own life and to, hopefully, make you see what I see. I have never asked to be believed, but this time I want you to at least try. This is all I am asking. I know I am hated out there but forget this is me and just read what I have to say. I don´t know if you know – some of you do know – but a Canadian film director is making a documentary about John Titor and I accepted to be int

Being spied on - Part 2

  Part 1 is the video on my YouTube Channel. You have a pair of hands and a pair of eyes. You can look it up if you are dying for some *context* . Well, Part 2…what I am about to tell you is part 2. Part 1 was about the American “time travellers” spying on me and this is now about the Russians. No, sorry, Belarusians to be exact. This is going to be long probably, since I am going to tell you the whole story from the beginning, two years ago. This is still fresh in my mind as the ending was today so I am bit upset and confused and I have all sorts of feelings I cannot even begin to describe. But I will do my best. Please do know that part of what happened is also my fault. So, what exactly happened and how did I get here? You know, I think, that I travel quite a bit. I love it. In April 2022, two months after the beginning of the war, I went to Azerbaijan. It was about 2 weeks before my return to the UK (I was in Sweden then). Before going I booked this tour through this site cal


  Hi. I guess this post will be shorter than usual because I really do not have much to say. I am struggling to keep my eyes open because I have had a lot of wine tonight, well, more than usual. I was trying to drown my own thoughts after they have become really hard to handle. I haven´t been able to sleep properly for the last few weeks, ever since I came back from Antarctica. Well, technically ever since my last few days in Chile. I thought that was mainly due to an earthquake waking me up in the middle of the night in Santiago (though I am used to those, I had not felt one in a while and they freak me the hell out). Truth is, things have gone downhill from that trip to Antarctica. Welcome to sexual harassment without consequences.  I am sorry but I have been having a hard time talking about it. I can try and make it short. I went to Antarctica on my own (as usual) and I was around 5 days on a ship. That, combined with the rough sea during the last two nights onboard, sort of mad

My opinion on Ronald Mallett

  It’s been quite a while since I last posted on this blog. It has also been quite difficult to pin-point my location lately as I have been all over the bloody place. I was in the Middle East quite a lot. I was in Italy in November, then back for a week, then went to Jordan, came back, stayed in Madrid for 2 weeks, then ahead to Bahrain and Saudi Arabia for the long back holiday. After that, I was back in Madrid for 2 days and then out again, to Italy. I have been back for just 3 weeks. Everything went well, no problem whatsoever, unlike that CNN tells you. I was actually pretty much by the front lines in the northern part of Jordan, near the border with Israel and really close to Lebanon and the Golan Heights and I was absolutely fine. Once you look past the ´murican media bullshit, everything looks ok. It´s not like I am not gonna travel anymore because of Biden´s geopolitical handlings or, better, LACK OF . The man has made the world a MUCH MORE DANGEROUS and FUCKED UP place. It sta

Why I believe in "time travel" (video - Part 1 &2)

I have made these 2 videos, well one video divided in two parts (at some point the application decided it was time for me to shut the fuck up so it cut me when I was talking). They are both public on my YouTube channel but here are the links: Part 1 Part 2 I talk about the story, the posts and a bit about the technology and how this is very similar to space travel. I do talk about some of the similarities with space travel, including astronaut training, etc. Just some stuff I have thought about in the last few months. I also talk about my own struggles because of this story.  They are a bit long but feel free to watch if you are interested.  Also, here’s the link to the article mentioned in the videos: In case you want to read it. Stella C