
Showing posts from May, 2022

The last emails from John Rodriguez

Finally, the last post. I have never published them before because I always thought they were somehow private but fuck it. These are the emails that John Rodriguez sent to me - the last ones - after I came back from Mexico. One was only for me and the other one was addressed to myself, Pamela and a friend of mine. - 1rst email dated 18-Feb-2011: Thank you for the video. You look great. I am sorry for leaving like I did, but I had to, for the both of us, it wouldn't have worked out, you know this just as I did. Some one once told me how things seem to fall into place, the ones we made happen so long ago and those that will happen in the future, ultimately both will reunite, seems this is true w ith all of us reading these words. I do hope you make the right decision, I'll be watching as usual. The baby will always have a father Most likely if everything goes well, march 3rd is my last day here. But its never a good bye Again, thank you for everything, I spent a wonderful and unf

Last Post 2

  One last thing I wanted to talk about was censorship. I spoke about it already – along with what happened to me in Russia in 2019 – in these 2 videos: -           Part 1: -           Part 2: They are long so up to you whether you have the time or want to watch them or not. Obviously these videos will be very much hated by the Americans but hey-ho, I don’t give a fuck. Simple as. I was censored on TripAdvisor for telling people that I had Covid one month exactly after my 3 rd dose and was on a week long course of penicillin for potential pneumonia (could not get an XRAY to confirm). My post was deleted, for simply saying something that is written on my medical history. Can you actually imagine that? But, you know, censorship is only in Russia. We do not have that, nope, we have “misinformation” because, you know, writing about your medical history is forbidden in the US apparently. But they live in such a FREE country!

Last Post 1

I don’t know whether these will be my last posts (I sincerely hope so) or there will be more posts in the future – I will leave the option open – but for the moment I just want to quit this. I just got back to the UK after 16 months and I am struggling at the moment. Plus, I have been incredibly fed up with this story and the people in it for quite a few months now. Perhaps joining that toxic Reddit subgroup full of the usual American misogynists wasn’t a great idea after all. I am very sure I am not liked very much because I dislike the ‘muricans. Sorry (but not really sorry) but this is the truth. Why don’t I like them? The answer is simple: I believe it is a fucked up place full of (as per above) misogynists and racist people. The people there are just full of themselves and they think there is nothing else outside their country. Look at this example: they want Covid tests 24 hours before your flight or you can’t get into the country. They want it because, you know, they don’t have