
Showing posts from June, 2022

The truth about Mexico

  As said a while back, I have decided that Id finally tell the (almost) truth about what happened ion Mexico. I say "almost" not because what I say here isn't true, rather because there is more to this. I was able to speak to other people from Ivan's past life in the US and also with some people from his current, fake life in Mexico. However, I only chose to publish the conversations I had with people in the US, just in case I will need the other conversation at a later time.  This is the document that I have created that has most things. It is one hell of a read but I think you should go for it: Report_redacted Unfortunately everything that you read here is true. He did do all those things to me. No, I'm not here asking for mercy or - worse - PITY. I don't want pity, I don't want people to feel bad for me or think I'm weak. Truth is, I did let him do all of that and I do regret it. I regret everything that happened during that time because I felt lik

Email to Oliver Williams

  I found this just tonight whilst going through his inbox again. I am still investigating this, quite heavily to be honest, and I am really tired and burned out. I feel so burned out. This is taking all of my energies, but I must get to the truth or as close as possible at least. This is an email Ivan/John Rodriguez sent Oliver Williams (the owner of the website called . By the way, what the fuck has happened to him?) in December 2010. I have been finding random emails in the inbox recently. They were somehow hidden from me. I can only find them when I input random letters into the search bar. Before sending this email he searched a couple of things about tattoos. I have posted a couple of screenshots form his search history. Yes, I am going as deep as I can into this, I really don’t give a shit anymore. I will post all of my findings on here, publicly. I will tell you what happened in Mexico, if I can, all the violence and the abuse that came with it. I am tired o

Ivan's past

I know I said that I was going to hand this over to kind and American Pamela BUT let’s face it: I am unstoppable and this story is the gift that keeps on giving. After I took over John Rodriguez’s old FAKE Facebook account, I was able to get in touch to the only friend he had in there. He is apparently an old acquittance of his.  All I am trying to do here, is to investigate all possibilities against John/Ivan, that’s all. I want to get to the truth, whatever that might be.    I will also add that this was a lot for me to take in and I feel kind of drained at the moment and not exactly thinking too clearly. I apologise if I sound a bit dodgy in this post. Perhaps I shouldn’t dig for stuff after all.    Anyway, as I said I was able to speak directly to this man who supposedly knew John Rodriguez/Ivan during college. I will post the screenshots of the conversation here and I will guide you through the questions, meaning I will be clarifying why I chose to ask something and how I think th