
Showing posts from June, 2018

The Bullcrap (#1)

I know I haven’t posted in a while but I have been literally sucked into doing a lot of other stuff (not related to the story) in my private life, if you can call it like that, and had other things to do like pictures to sort out and stupid stuff like that. I need time to dig through the email JR and I exchanged years ago (more than 2,000) to see if I can find anything interesting to post. There are things from what I remember. I haven’t actually read these emails in a while. This time I wanted to speak about something else, something that is more related to me. Like I said before (probably more than once), JR will NOT get to win. I don’t care what anyone says, he crossed the line with me and I do not allow that. To be honest, I had never really thought he’d be the dangerous kind. He looked so innocent and so much like a typical nerd. If he indeed was/is dangerous, then I guess I shall say I was lucky to make it out of Mexico alive, right? Well, I couldn’t see that back then. Now, l

Questions for John

Since I have been defined as “crazy” for going to Mexico on my own by an obnoxious ex-girlfriend (not mine!), then mind as well post this last one with questions for “John Titor”. Actually, three years after this ordeal with John, my company also sent me to Mexico City for training, if you really must know and even on that occasion I went on my own. Surely, my boss wasn’t with me the entire time. There corporate trainers in my own company who go to Mexico City all the time for work and another colleague of mine went there 2 months after I went. That was just really wrong to say to me. Anyway, I have been thinking about this and been wanting to make this post for a while now. If I could face John Titor, what would I ask him? Here is a list of questions: Why did you hire an entertainment lawyer? Do you actually know me? What exactly is my role in this whole story? Do you have anything to do with the Trism song? Who does the Trism song talk about? Do you actually know the B52s?

The Report - Further comments

As I’ve noticed quite a bit of views and downloads for the modified reports – as well as questions or comments sent to me via the contact form on this blog – I would like to clarify a few things: I have been told that I seem “scorn” at John Titor and John Rodriguez. I am not upset at John Titor or whoever the hell he is because I simply don’t even know the man. I have never met him and I think I made that clear on the first report. If I didn’t then perhaps that part might have been deleted in error. In any case, I never said in the reports that I know or have met John Titor himself. John Rodriguez, though, is a whole different story. Yes, I am VERY upset at him and I have my own reasons to be. I just believe that you can’t hurt people to this level and then hope to get away from it and live the happy-ever-after-life. No way. HE DOES NOT GET TO WIN. Some people commented that the reports are good and I appreciate that. The reports published on here are not the full version and I bel


Since I rarely have time but today I do, I want to publish a post about something I truly and deeply care about and that is the Trism song. This song was written by the B-52s and is part of the album “Whammy”, which came out in 1983. For those who don’t know it, this is the lyrics: She has to leave She has to go The fastest way Is by trism Steps off the curb Stella Corona hopes for the best To be home by sunset Gotta be home by sunset She asked me to give her a ride She said she had to go Dropped her off by the trism Through the atmosphere by prism Go trism Go trism Go trism Go trism Go trism Gotta keep, gotta keep movin' on Gotta keep movin' Gotta keep movin' Gotta keep movin' Gotta, gotta keep on It was a human race to get away And then back again Like the sun bends light through a prism She bends herself through the trism In the smokey streets of the night She pulls the lever and then bright light Trism Trism Trism Trism Trism I don’t know if some of

The Reports

To continue my story, I managed to find this guy in 2015 but I don’t want to get there straight away. I want to add a bit more information on this: this guy actually left me in Mexico and I flew back. I – along with two other people (one of these two individuals is a lady who’s been involved in the JT story since 2001) – tried to contact this guy and he did reply at some point just to say he was leaving. I didn’t hear about this guy for many years and to be honest I thought of two different options: either he really was gone or he was hiding in Mexico. As it turned out, the latter one was the correct option. In October 2015 I managed to discover his identity and where he was hiding; I also managed to talk to him again, although briefly and through emails. How did I do that? That is indeed a very long story. To make it brief, I found his name through a Google search which revealed a criminal record in the States. His mug shot was right there. I almost had a heart attack when I saw it.


There are a lot of details and things I don’t feel like sharing at this moment in an open blog. The story is quite long and rather complicated that can’t easily be put in writing in a few paragraphs. To come to the point, I did meet this alleged “time traveller” in person in Mexico City on January 18 2011. The first time I saw him was at the airport at the end of seemed like a very long day. We spent about 2 weeks together before he left. He didn’t just left like, I opened my eyes one morning and poof! He was gone. Nothing like that. He was such a gentleman that he actually told me he was leaving. We obviously spoke a lot about this whole story and “time travel” during these two weeks together. This is actually what I find rather compelling and you know why? Because when we were talking online he obviously would have had a lot of time to look things up, but in person things worked slightly different. When I asked him questions face to face he obviously couldn’t go and look up the answ

The picture

After discovering the John Titor story, I started considering sending a letter to the Foundation in Florida. At the end of March 2009 I wrote this letter (yes, it was handwritten) decided to try something out. Before sending the letter I took a picture of myself – a portrait picture – using my (then) new camera. The portrait is simply a picture of me that only shows my face, hair and shoulders. The camera took the portrait picture in color. To make it more original, I turned the photo into black and white. I printed the picture off and put it in the envelope with the letter. I told John Titor specifically (and I recall this very clearly) to “come and find me with that picture”. The picture was posted from Rome, Italy (where I am actually from by the way) to Florida. Just to be clear, this is exactly the address I used: The John Titor Foundation PMB 237 7862 W Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy Kissimmee, FL 34747 For those who don’t know, this is actually an UPS store which is sti

How it started

The first thing that people in this story explain when they get interviewed by radio hosts (WHEN they do, yes) is how they got involved in this infinite ordeal that never seems to rest. In my specific case, I have been involved in this rubbish since the end of 2008. I was 24 at that time. Fast forward to almost 9 years later and we’re still here at the same exact point. Still, nothing has changed. This involvement was the very last “gift” from my now (thank God) ex-husband. I guess I should thank him for this crap. He came home one afternoon all excited about this time travel documentary called “the world’s first time machine” (the one with Ronald Mallet) and told me that I “really had to watch it” – quoting him. I remember rolling my eyes when it said it was about time travel because at that time – when life was simpler – I did not believe time travel was possible at all. I remember thinking how odd it was that he was pushing so hard to get me to watch it. Surely, he’d done that